Enshrined in the PDP Laban Constitution are the PDP Laban platforms that are anchored to the Five Basic Principles are the core values that bind the party’s members together. All members adhere to the party principles, which also constitute the party’s philosophy.
True to its Filipino roots, PDP Laban is a political party that adheres to Theism, which is faith in the Supreme Being. Theism reflects the overall deeply held religious conviction of the Filipino people, may it be to the Christian, Islamic, or other creeds. All PDP Laban members are therefore, “Maka-Diyos.”
PDP Laban believes that human dignity by all means must be respected at all times and that there must be an emphasis on human well-being as well as freedom. Consequently, humanism places importance of the pursuit of a self-defined, meaningful, and happy life. All PDP Laban members are “Maka-tao.”
PDP Laban is a political party that espouses enlightened nationalism so the county can move forward towards progress. The party strongly believes in the collective strength and potential of the Philippines, guided by the ideals, principles, and examples of our national heroes and the revolutionaries that won us our independence. In all of its pursuits, PDP Laban is guided, first and foremost, by the national interest. All PDP Laban members are “Maka-bansa.”
PDP Laban strongly advocates in inclusive economic development where the fruits of economic growth benefit a wider spectrum of society, especially the poorest of the poor.
PDP-Laban advocates for greater community and stakeholder participation in policy making and shaping the future of the country. The party supports the strengthening of the country’s electoral system as this can help increase the trust of voters towards it, resulting in more voters participating during electoral exercises.
The Party Platform of PDP Laban aims to put in place in the Philippines a peaceful and democratic way of life characterized by freedom, solidarity, justice, equity, social responsibility, self-reliance, efficiency and enlightened nationalism.